Alright, time for am update for those that read these things about what's been going down on my end.
I need to work my run time for the National Guard. I suck at running badly bit have to improve enough to pass or I might get the boot at some point.
Decided to go back to school. I'm going to do continue working through school, which will suck, but being an EMT does not pay well. I will be attending classes for welding certification as welders tend to make a fair amount more than basic medical personnel in my area. And I won't have to be responsible for keeping people alive that are trying whole heartedly to not be alive.
Baby daughter is 7 months old. She is the most adorable little banshee ever, and I am her favoritest person. We hang out a lot, she likes watching the games I stream on Twitch because of the pretty colors. She also enjoys death metal and stories from Norse mythology. My baby is hardcore.
I've begin working on a story that I will share exclusively on Steemit until it is finished. Once finished I'll do some cheap e-publishing method, haven't decided yet. But I figured it would be best to make it Steemit exclusive for now, and get some feedback. The story is about monsters defending children, and as a warning I will mention it is a tad dark in regards to human behavior.
Thanks for reading!!! If you made it this far you are awesome. And you could be more awesome by following me on Twitch and YouTube. Both accounts are completely free to make and following me is as easy as clicking the follow button on Twitch or the subscribe on YouTube. And it's free! It costs you nothing and you're just helping me out. So click a link, and follow me! Steem on!