Trypophobia- do you have it?


If these images upset you, take comfort in knowing that I am itching like a madwoman after trying to compose this disgusting post! Some of us have what is called Trypophobia, the fear or revulsion at the sight of irregular holes in nature or in art. I remember my brother saying something one time about what if you peeled back your skin and it looked like a corn on the cob (I come from a family of weirdos). It really freaked me out on a strange level I couldn't understand and it wasn't even the skin peeling part that grossed me out. Then about eight months ago someone on a blog site posted a pic of shoes with stacks of teeth for soles. It really freaked me out! Someone commented that it triggered their Trypophobia, and alas! I had a word for that feeling I get when I see barnacles coving an animal's shell.
The lotus pod seems to be the most common cause of upset for many trypophobes. It doesn't stir me up much, but hey, we all have our own fears.IMG_1015.JPG
So, what about you? Do these images cause you some form of distress? Have you ever heard of Mango worms in dogs? Don't watch the YouTube videos. Let me know what sets you to irrationally itching or squeamishness. I'll be here itching (literally!) to know.![IMG_1014.JPG]
(All photos are from Pixabay)

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