Foodie bought a house!

Well, our bid has been accepted!

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We're still a little ways from actually buying the house, but the intention is there and if we can get everything sorted with finances, we'll soon have our own house.

A little while after I wrote about placing a bid, the real estate agent contacted me and told me the seller had accepted our bid. She's leaving behind some furniture either way, but she's throwing in the garden set, so that's a nice bonus for us. She's also leaving behind the upstairs bed, which saves all of us a lot of hassle, because getting it down would have been a nightmare for her and getting anything up there would have been quite annoying for us. There's not much room to work with at the top of those stairs.

The actual, definite sale will happen at the end of june, so we'll have two months to get everything sorted. I'm happy we have this time, because I won't have the money from my house until the end of may anyway. We'll have plenty of time to get our mortgage in order and I'm sure I'll have the money we'll put in ourselves.

I'm so excited to know we're going to live there on the park! It has plenty of vacation homes besides ours, some of which are also allowed to be used for permanent residence. So there's people around, which I both like and don't like. I don't like noise from people, but I do like the idea that people are close to help us out if anything bad happens. I'll live with the noise, knowing it will mostly be during summer.

The house is at the edge of the park, so the noise should be minimal. It is also surrounded by trees. Lots of trees. I'll feel like I'm living in the forest. How awesome is that!

There's also a swimming pool there. Heated, but outdoors, so it'll only be open in the summer. I'm curious to see how busy it will be. I'd love to swim there in the morning for some good exercise and hope I'll have the space for that if I go early enough.

Anyway, before we're there, we have some things to arrange, most importantly we have to get finances in order, so we have to go to the bank and ask for a mortgage. I hope they'll give it to us. The most challenging thing is getting enough, because the house is officially a recreational house, instead of a proper home. We'll have to see what the bank makes of it, but bringing in some of our own money aswell should help a lot.

I'm so happy! Excited! And also a little bit scared, because it's a big step! I know I've got the knowhow to get everything sorted, so we'll be alright.

Have a good day!

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