PSA: WARNING- Dear Men Of Steem, that photo of the hot chick might just be a 10yr old kid

Don’t panic, that’s actually a photo of me.. a 32 year old woman with an insane filter that makes me look like some sort of anime porn star, but it turns out kids use it too 😄 And guess what? It has the same effect.

In fact, a individual here on the platform has been using these filters on photos that I assumed were her, as it seems many others did as well. But nope, turns out it’s her 11 yr old daughter.

The idea that we have photos of children being commented on by grown men in a sexual way disturbed me to the core. I’m giving the men on these posts the benefit of the doubt.. that they were confused like I was. Here is the information so you won’t be confused anymore;

Have you met @kawaiicrush?


First of all, there nothing wrong with filters.. or posting photos of your kid.. but seeing that the image on the profile up there is all we have to go on, when I see photos like this randomly and the same person as that in the profile.. I assume it’s the blog owner...

Photo can be found here:

While I think the photos were necessary to show how the two were being confused, I also understand how showcasing them here could be seen as also exploiting the child. I’ve removed due to that. This doesn’t actually fix the issue though stated here and believe trying to make the issue that the photos are here on this blog, is nothing more than a form of delflection. I hope the blog owner will also take care in what she Is posting and how she’s responding.

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In fact, I had always just assumed this sexy Steem nurse was a young woman who was working what she had for votes. I, as a grown ass adult, had absolutely no problem with that. Who would?

But when I was curating yesterday and came across a post discussing her 11yr olds birthday though, I was a bit confused..

Photo can be found here;

While I think the photos were necessary to show how the two were being confused, I also understand how showcasing them here could be seen as also exploiting the child. Which clearly is not my goal. I’ve removed due to that. This however doesn’t actually fix the issue though, and I believe trying to make the issue that the photos are here on this blog is a form of delflection. I hope the blog owner will also take care in what she posts and how.

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First... but is that her daughter or her in that photo? As it looks like the same as the profile image but now I’m not sure who is who. And what about the sexy nurse image I had seen? Was that her or this girl?

So, I went to find out. It turns out that sexy nurse looked a bit different than the other photos but as that photo didn’t have a filter it was still confusing...

Then I found something concerning

This image from this post comparing her daughter to Jessica Rabbit, weird choice.. but ok then. At least it was clear that this photo was in fact her 10yr old daughter.


Photo can be found here;

While I think the photos were necessary to show how the two were being confused, I also understand how showcasing them here could be seen as also exploiting the child. Which clearly was not my goal. I’ve removed due to that. This doesn’t actualy fix the issue though, and I believe trying to make the issue that the photos are here on this blog is a form of delflection. I hope the blog owner will also take care in what she posts and how.

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Then I saw these comment and lost my fucking shit..
public blog.

Couple of things;

if I posted a “fun” photo of my daughter of the internet and this was the response.. I wouldn’t reply like that and I don’t know a sane person who would.

if by chance it was all innocent and I didn’t understand that the individuals were responding to the actual photo in the post.. and not me.. who is nowhere in the post or even in the profile image ... well actually that’s not even plausible as her own fans have told her it’s confusing .. so scratch that.. thats just an unacceptable excuse.

One of many examples of previous confusions;

since I’m being accused of stealing photos now, this belongs to kawaiicrush, I think anyways.. I mean I got it from her public blog.

While discussing this disgusting behavior with an individual in DM, it was then pointed out to an image she had shared on this post;

An image of her legs in a bath.. again, absolutely nothing wrong with that.. but many would believe that those legs belong to the same person in your profile image.. is that confusing?

Here, let’s have an example...

If my profile photo was this;

And then I posted a photo like this:

Would you assume that the owner of this body part was in fact the same person as that in the profile image? Seems logical right?

But what if that profile image was in fact a image of an underage child with heavy filters? What happens then?

For the record, both are me.. having to even clarify that is a bit concerning but seeing the subject manner, I felt the need.

I made a comment in the post sharing this confusion and the insane comments from men. Many others did weigh in (not prompted by me) and to say the response was shocking is an understatement. It seems the only issue this mom sees is that we ugly people are jealous of her legs. This is too idiotic to even touch on so let me boldly state the ACTUAL ISSUE;

Grown men are either confusing these images as the adult who is flirting with them in comments, or they know exactly who the photo is of.. both are disturbing and one is criminal.

I won’t go into the threats of releasing personal information and name calling that this individual is throwing in my direction all over her twitter and in comments on Steem, as it’s really not important.

But individuals need to be aware that this is unacceptable behavior towards a young child and I won’t sit by quietly as it continues.

So men, fair warning; this is a damn kid!

If the comments continue I will assume you are aware and I will flag the living hell out of you as well as any photo of her blog that is exploiting a young child in this way.

For the record, I’m not one to go around and tell parents what to do with their children. But this has crossed a line that as a member of the Steem Community (and Mom myself) I feel needed to be addressed.

@Kawaiicrush- to the mom of the blog, whoever you are, I have absolutely nothing against you. I’m not jealous of your legs or your daughter, as you seem to think is the issue here.

I am concerned though.

Posting images of your innocent child like this is getting a response.. a sexual response from grown men and your reply to them is encouraging it. Please, I am begging you to stop.

Post images of your legs in the bath girl, post sexy photos of yourself! Just please stop doing it along side your child’s face and allowing comments from men that are absolutely terrifying to continue. You should be protecting her. This is just too much...

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