WEB LOG // Never enough time?


I consider myself really good at time management, because I get everything needed to be done by a deadline. I am often the type of person who pushes things to the last minute, but this is also how I cope best. I have never faced a situation where something important was left undone because of the lack of time.

But, the reason I write this post is that I simply cannot find time in my life for those sweet extra things everyone seems to do. Where do people find time to go to gym? Where they find time to learn something new next to a full-time job? How do they find time to go to places in the evenings after the work hours? When do people find time to read books? When do they listen to music? Etc.

Always tired

I feel like I am just always tired. I am definitely not a morning person and I like to sleep until 10-11 am. If I have to push myself to wake up earlier than that, then my day just can't be much productive. I can wake up just fine, but I will be tired for the rest of the day. I have tried going to sleep earlier to get 8-9 hours of sleep a day, but that doesn't change anything. I am still tired as fuck if I have to wake up at 7 am. Nothing changes this. It's like my body is developed to wake up at 10 am and not a second earlier.

Therego, being a slave of work, I have to wake up that early 5 days a week and those 5 days a week are a complete waste for me, because as said, I am tired for the whole day. If I get home from work, I need to lay down for a while to rest to even get some chores done at home like cooking food, cleaning or doing dishes.

Is everyone really a morning person and is there something just completely wrong with me?

No chance to focus

I have a lot of things that I want to do and a lot of things I want to learn. I am aware that I need to find time for those things, but I simply don't know how. After a 8-9 hour work I get home and it's time to be a mom. It's really hard to focus on something if you have a toddler watching cartoons even, let alone playing with toys, singing or just roaming around the house.

By the time the toddler gets to sleep (around 9-10pm) I am just tired of the whole day, hoping to get 1-2 hours to myself to just toss out and find the shut down button. Not really in the best state of mind to start focusing on something important anymore, brain-deaded and everything else.

I know there are tons of people who have a family life as well, but how do they seem to find time for everything? How? How the F I cannot do this? Damnit!

I need to... I have to... I WANT to get myself together, but I am just too tired. I need more hours in a day. Would that solve anything? I believe so. 24hours a day just isn't enough for me.. or working 8 hours a day is just too much of a waste of time.

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How do you find time for everything?


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