So Stanley Kubrick is just Salman Rushdie? And he wrote a book called GRIMUS


The story loosely follows Flapping Eagle, a young native American man who receives the gift of immortality after drinking a magic fluid. After drinking the fluid, Flapping Eagle wanders the earth for 777 years 7 months and 7 days, searching for his immortal sister and exploring identities before falling through a hole in the Mediterranean Sea. He arrives in a parallel dimension at the mystical Calf Island where those immortals who have tired of the world but are reluctant to give up their immortality exist in a static community under a subtle and sinister authority.


So wow, immortal sister quest?

paralell dimension with tired immortals un willing to give up their metatronics?

Calf Island? Like California? Do you know the esoteric occult m earnings behind the name CALIFORNIA? Its a muslim Caliphate ruled by a woman


What Does “California” Mean? — The name “California” comes from a 16th century Spanish novel that involves a warrior queen named Calafia.

Is California named after a black queen?
Montalvo's island of California was named after its Queen, Califia, who is said to have been a beautiful black Moor and pagan. ... Templeton says,”Califia is a part of California history, and she also reinforces the fact that when Cortes named this place California, he had 300 black people with him.”Feb 23, 2021

wow so the Spanish/Portuguese had 300 Black people with them haha the 300! like Leonidis. I wonder if they can track any of their decedents. Thatd be cool to be one of them. I imagine all history is fake and they will use the metaverse to create new timelines and new continents etc

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