My 2018: Achievements and Failures - How I failed to write this on time ;D


While I was thinking about the past year, I couldn't really think of any big failures I could remember of.
The ones that happened were calculated, controlled and mostly on purpose, so I wouldn't call them failures.


  1. I failed to write this post on time xD

So let's go to the achievements ^^ of 2018.


  • Closing this blog and starting a new one! It's refreshing to have a new name :D

  • Finally fixed my insomnia through listening to all sorts of guided meditations and starting to use an eye mask šŸ˜Ž
    I tried all sorts and the best ones were yoga nidra and a guided meditation on headspace for anger (!). Iā€™m not angry, but the meditation is made to relax someone who is, and it puts me immediately to sleep (in less than 3 minutes :3).

  • Getting out of my comfort zones.
    I said yes to all the invitations, which was weird at times but mostly fun.
    The memorable ones were: meeting a stranger for a cup of tea just for a fun conversation before catching a train; going out for a game night with another stranger, making new friends in the process and going out for more games since then.

  • Having a surgery to fix the inside of my nose to be able to breath normally couple of weeks ago. I breath better and for a little while i actually looked like my profile picture xD


  • Giving up painting. It was a surprising decision for me.
    It is very strange since I kept at it for the last 16 years.
    The last couple of years I started to contemplate if there exists an easier way to express my ideas. After reading an essay by Sakura Momoko about the way she became a comic artist, I realized that trying to swim upstream isn't only hard, you end up not moving much. Swimming against common sense is something I do, often, just because I can be too stubborn.

But what is more important for me: being stubborn or creating things I really want to exist and be expressed?

I'm still thinking about that one. There should be a way to tweak my painter's dream in a way to make things work easier :D

That's about it :D

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