
The new ideas are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new tasks. We have the greatest instrument on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a gigantic base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is BitLumens,a blockchain-based organization enrolled in Switzerland with is expected to bring sunlight based power and water to far away places with the use of Internet of Things (IoT).


Bitlumens is a biological system that appropriates sun oriented vitality gadgets in territories where there is no entrance to power and associates it to square circuits. Utilizing the gadget, individuals enhance their FICO assessment. Banks can get to information utilizing their own particular BLS BitLumens token and utilize it to issue microcredit to individuals who require it. Bitlumens is a blockchain organization made to convey sun powered vitality and water to country and remote networks. The organization's innovation is fueled by both blockchain innovation and the Internet of Things. The organization is enrolled in Switzerland. The organization plans to give social and natural change to the general population who require it and bolster the base practical items (MVP) in Latin America. The organization is enrolled in Switzerland.


BitLumens will probably make both great ROI in fund and quantifiable condition and social impact. BitLumens accumulates KYC information (Know Your Customer information) for every client while giving access to power and water worth sustainable assets. BitLumens focuses at giving sun based vitality in remote towns and consequently adds to lessen the emanation of CO2 and wellbeing risks, uprooting lamp fuel lights, disel generators, plastic, biomass and biofuels as lighting source, expanding client reserve funds, multiplying monetary consideration and now and again giving business.

BitLumens offers an advanced stage which can be conveyed, overseen by accord and off network shrewd vitality arrangements in low asset family units. With those reasons, BitLumens will add to the advancement of UN SDGs, particularly Gender Equality and Climate Action, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Affordable and Clean Energy, Good Health and Well-being.

With the use of clean advances to give electric power, BitLumens is helping individuals in country zones have an approach to enhance and their personal satisfaction and organizations.


Our central goal is to offer a distributed stage where clients receive PV frameworks to diminish carbon emanations and gain admittance to lighting and water in places where there is no power matrix or appropriate access to water. Our stage permits the installment of the equipment in portions and utilizing Bitlumens tokens (BLS). The framework additionally permits microfinance and settlements in advanced and fiat monetary forms while utilizing the blockchain. We will probably make both monetary return and positive quantifiable social and ecological effect. We assemble Know your Customer (KYC) information for every customer while offering access to power and water originating from sustainable creating sources in Latin America. Giving sun based vitality to remote towns and in result diminishing CO2 and wellbeing perils, dislodging lamp oil lights, diesel generators, plastic, biomass and biofuels as lighting source, expanding client investment funds, multiplying money related incorporation and at times giving work.


BitLumens is a blockchain-based organization enlisted in Switzerland with the mean to bring sunlight based power and water to far away places with the utilization of Internet of Things (IoT). BitLumens gives natural and social change to individuals in require and give MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) in Latin Ameria.

BitLumens is driven by Veronica Garcia (CEO and Founder) who has understanding as a speculation expert.


The designers of Bitlumens look to take care of the issue of power by offering a shared stage where clients will have the capacity to access off-framework Solar Home Systems. What this does is that, it lessens carbon discharge. Likewise, it offers power to places that have no power network.

Clients will have the capacity to rent Solar Home Systems through an introduce mental installment of Bitlumens to make a quantifiable social and ecological effect.

Using Bitlumens, remote towns will have the capacity to appreciate sun oriented vitality and lessen CO2 discharge into the air. Thusly lessening the wellbeing and ecological risk related with the gas.

That implies, no more lamp fuel lights, plastic, diesel, biomass and bio-fuel. It additionally successfully spares cost on lighting and water system. Thusly prompting an expanded investment funds for ranchers in rustic territories. This digi-tal stage offers low asset family units a chance to appreciate off-network shrewd vitality arrangement which is overseen by accord.

Fundamentally, Bitlumens adds to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by;

• Creating a moderate and clean vitality

• Creating practical urban areas and networks

• Providing great wellbeing and prosperity

• Contributing to sexual orientation uniformity and atmosphere activity


Blockchain Bitlumens utilizes a blend of disconnected and disconnected information sources to compute the FICO rating of prepared to-utilize ranchers: advanced IDs are not some portion of the blockchain but rather will be incorporated. Every client can have his own particular ID and record as a consumer. This data can be imparted to outsiders offering microcredit arrangements, governments and advancement banks. Clients can get to microloans by paying a particular loan fee in view of individual and social factors.

The primary thought of the organization is to bring a client and eco-accommodating web of things gadget to convey vitality and water to places which are unbanked and don't have a power framework. The Internet of Things is the idea of associating any gadget to the Internet and to other associated gadgets. The IoT is a goliath system of associated things and individuals – all of which gather and offer information about the way they are utilized and about the earth around them e.g keen microwaves, self-driving autos, wearable wellness gadgets. The specialists of the organization will introduce the equipment and gather the installments.

The organization will utilize the application to gather data about the utilization of every customer and know the amount to charge for every single one of the group. The organization intends to utilize clean innovations to give to country networks which need to utilize lamp oil, plastic, battery lights and candles as they don't approach electric power. By utilizing these gadgets, these individuals would have an approach to enhance their organizations and their personal satisfaction. The organization's innovation fueled by both the blockchain innovation and the web of things will make it workable for individuals to utilize power, charge their electrical machines and even water their harvests.



The gadgets deliver perfect, zero-outflow power and immediaty affect individuals' personal satisfaction. Later on, gadgets can be interconnected to shape small scale electrical lattices in places without power, enabling individuals to trade vitality inside their networks.


The gadgets frame smaller scale arranges in places without existing framework. Our creative programming gathers information and sends it to the square chain. People may make this information accessible to banks for microcredit and other monetary administrations. Banks will access in excess of a billion people who require a ledger.


Gadgets can be bolted when clients are late with their month to month charges. This gives the fundamental security to issue microcredits. Then again, clients have full control over their information. Just they choose who can access and utilize it.


Affordable access to safe, environmentally friendly and reliable electricity.

Access to microloans and other financial services for billions of people who do not have bank accounts.

Avoid the expensive remittance fees that are usually charged for micro-loans.

Each token represents a portfolio of microloans that is guaranteed by our hardware.

Contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


The BLS token is an ERC20 utility token which means to make social and ecological change. It would be ideal if you take note of that all returns are relied upon to be utilized as a part of supporting the improvement of the product and MVPs that are presently put in Guatemala.

Token Details

Starts June 19th 2018

Ends July 16th 2018

Token: BLS

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Pre-ICO Price: 1 BLS = 0.0007 ETH

ICO Price: 1 BLS = 0.001 ETH

Total Supply: 50,000,000 BLS

Soft Cap: $1,000,000

Hard Cap: $25,000,000

BLS tokens are required to access credit score data from the 1.2 billion people who do not have access to electricity and bank accounts.

Villagers use BLS token to pay for electricity.

The BLS token is used to send remittances.

Anyone who needs a BLS token to access BitLumens services must purchase it from the open market.


Stage - Time - #of Tokens - Token Price
Pre ICO - May 28 - 30 - 10 Million4 BLS / USD (+ 40% Bonus)
ICO Day 1 - June1 - 3 BLS / USD
ICO Day 2-7 - June 2 - June 7 - 2.75 BLS / USD
ICO Day 8-14 - June 8 - June 14 - 2.50 BLS / USD
ICO Day 15-28 - June 15 - June 28 - 2 BLS / USD
Hardcap: In the equivalent of USD 25 Million

Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre-ICO in fiat currency.

The final price will be determined one week before the start of the pre ICO reflecting the price movements of ETH until then.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001.

Planning to list to several exchanges, including Binance *, after ICO.

*Application in process

The soft cap foot the Initial Coin Offering is $1 Million, However, the event will end early only after 15 Mil-lion BLS tokens have been sold. This total amount is based on the projected investment and funding that is needed for a period of three years.


The total tokens supplied is capped at 50,000,000 and the smallest denomination available is 0.0001. This means the 15 Million BLS token that is expected to be used during the ICO is only 30 percent of the total.

Another 25 percent will be held by Bitlumens to prove liquidity to the secondary market. In addition to this, the team and advisors will be allocated 11.5 Million (23 percent) BLS tokens and 10 Million (20 percent) BLS will be allocated to private placement.

Finally, one million BLS token, which is 2 percent of the total supply will be allocated foot bounty services.

Allocation - Number of tokens (in million) - in%
Total - 50 - 100%
Pre ICO - 10 - 20%
ICO - 15 - 30%
Bitlumens - 17.5 - 35%
Team and Advisors - 6.5 - 13%
Bounty - 1 - 2%

Hardware - 35%

Legal - 2%

Wages - 35%

ICO Expenses - 2%

Software Development - 20%

Marketing and PR - 6%

Total - 100%




Veronica Garcia:

CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller:

CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking.

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