Prosperism Redefined (LVXII)


When Prosperism was first conceived as a technological breakthrough, it was defined as a decentralized zero-loss ecosystem for generation and spreading of wealth based on incentivized and equitable sharing of assets between peers according to their haves or needs, without taxing the economy.

Subsequently the invention of next generation influence-based crowdfunding added another dimension to the decentralized generation and spreading of wealth based on incentivized and equitable sharing principles of Sharonomics.

The Evolved Definition Of Prosperism

Prosperism is a decentralized zero-loss and zero-cash ecosystem for generation and spreading of wealth based on incentivized and equitable sharing of assets or influence between peers according to their haves or needs, without taxing the economy.

Prosperist Pledge-LVXII:

If you wish to pledge support to the Prosperism movement, the terms remain the same as previous posts, with the following pledge:

“I pledge to share my SBD+Steem reward from this post with @prosperist to earn Xteem tokens @ 1 Xteem token / $0.01”.

Thank you for your continued support.

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