Black Panther - MAGA, closed borders and Colonizers

There is a meme going round that compares the Black Panther's fictional African nation of Wakanda with Trump's America. 

I can see why people would make the comparison, there are similarities but the differences are significant.

Wakanda starts with closed borders which stopped it from getting invaded and colonized by the colonizers for centuries. And at the end opens it's borders to share it's technology. Quite different to the West invading everywhere then kicking out immigrants to the land they stole. 

Let us be clear, other African nations in reality were either colonized by the West or destroyed by economic sanctions. 

Closing borders and keeping it's abundance secret may have been the only way an African nation could stay African and abundant. 

This is quite different from stealing land hundreds of years ago then closing borders and being, let's call it what it is, racist to the Mexicans who have more ancestral right to California than the white descendants of immigrants.  



But race is basically an illusion anyway, there is one race, the human race and most of us are related. As the end of the movie indicates - opening borders and sharing abundance is the way forward. 


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