Bitcoin Cash: Is exactly what it is, fast efficient cash


While the price of Bitcoin has drastically dropped as my latest post explains.

Bitcoin Cash rises!

$1398.76 (41.90%)

The reason being for this is might be due to the failed Hardfork of the Segwit2x, check out my buddie's post Here @netuoso.

This is his quote which is dead on,

People aren't going to spend $3-5+ fees and wait 10-15+ minutes for a TX to be visible on the network when they want to buy a coffee. It just won't happen.

We all laughed at the name Bitcoin Cash, but guess what it is cheaper and it is much faster just like good old fashion cash. I am not saying I'll be using bitcoin cash just yet.

But it is nice to see it rise all the way to $4000 right?
Here is the last 5 days

Are you holding BCH?

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