No Such Thing As Free Bitcoin - Or Is There? Gladiacoin, Jet-Coin, Mrcryptocoins and more...


As much as I love food and we are posting here on our World Seasonings Steemit - I also love crypto currencies and think we all need to take a strong look at them.

Now, I assume that all of us on Steemit are excited for the future of crypto currencies!

Most of us have heard of pyramid schemes and ponzey schemes promising to make loads of money, build a team, get paid out, yada yada yada.

Well, about 2 months ago I was introduced to Gladiacoin. They claim to double your BTC in 90 days and all you have to do is invest as little as .1, .3, .5, 1 or 4 BTC and sit back and watch it roll in. But if you want it to roll in quicker, you need to build a team and get more and more people under you.

Personally, I'm not interested in pushing a pyramid scheme on my friends and family, but I had a family member that lives off of less than $1500 a month. She and I had talked about bitcoin a few year ago but neither of us had the know-how or ability to buy any BTC.

About 1 year ago I bough 4 BTC and kind of forgot about them. 2 months ago she called me to tell me about Gladiacoin and asked me if I still had my BTC. I told her I did but hadn't really thought about them lately. WOW! I was surprised to see them sitting at roughly $1500 a coin, knowing I paid around $400 for them. So, she started to explain Gladiacoin to me and instantly my radar went off. But, since I have a deep and caring love for her and I know she was struggling with monthly bills, I decided I would give it a try and come in to the system under her. (Being a pyramid, it benefits her to have me signup and she gets a bonus binary commission for my investment.)

At first, I was livid - it wasn't working. I was locked out. I sent .5 BTC to Gladiacoin and now I am locked out and they offer no tech support or contact information. But - eventually, after my anger subsided and I got my wits about me again, I realized it was user error and I was using the wrong UN.

After getting into my account, I instantly started getting paid out .0111111 BTC daily. Every 3 day .033333 BTC was transferred to my blockchain wallet. I couldn't believe it - could it really be this easy? In 90 days my .5 BTC would be 1 BTC. So like all suckers - I dropped all 4 of my BTC into the system. It was amazing - I was making roughly .15 BTC a day for doing absolutely NOTHING! I didn't go out and build a team - I was the team. I took 4 BTC and broke it down like I was 15 different people.

Well, then it happened. Reality kicked in and I was punched in the stomach as Gladiacoin decide to run a little extortion on all of its members. The implemented a 15% "service fee" on all account with .3 BTC or more or your were locked out. What kind of crap was this? Now they are going to lock people of their accounts unless they paid them a tax? Crazy.

Luckily for me, I had already make a good amount off of them and I realized it's just a part of doing business and that there really is NO SUCH THING AS FREE MONEY OR BITCOIN!

As much as my experience has sucked with Gladiacoin - I have maid my 4 BTC back, and am now earning the extra 4 BTC they claim I will. Do I have faith it will happen - hmmmm, it's a 75/25 chance in my book.

But - I did find 4 or 5 other systems that do the same things as Gladiacoin. I decided it to give this another shot and 'diversify' my BTC and see if the others would work. I found out about Mr. CryptoCoins and Jet Coins. Both double your BTC, but Mr Crypto does it in 80 days and Jet Coin is even faster by doing it in 40 days. I dropped .5 BTC in each system and it has been rather rewarding.

I'm already up 1 BTC in each system. So maybe there is such a thing as free BTC - if you're willing to take a risk and a gamble! If you are like me, and like to play the markets and are willing to take a little risk, hit me up! I can walk you through it and you can decide for yourself. I have created a calculator that can show you how to do this passively and not worry at all about building a team! Yes, if you go under me, it helps me. But this is more about helping people find a way to make a little extra coin and hopefully have a better future! But again - it's a gamble.

Remember, there really is such a thing a free money - until it's not and it costs you something!

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