Any one have more then 30 reputation. If have you're able to get free 10$ of bytes coin. Where as 5$ rewarded and let's 5$ were locked for 1 years.
You can also instantly sell it on those exchanges..
Bytes coin listed in-
1.bittrex -
Upbit -
Cryptopia -
Steps to get free bytes coin: -
Click on this link -
Go to download wallet then chose which one is suitable for you. I have app wallet.
Then create a new wallet on clicking 3 dot and go to chat tab open steem attestation bot.
Then put your wallet address they will give you a authorized link for activation of your account.
Then they ask you for payment of 49,000 bytes with that wallet address so you need to give me your address I give you 49,000
After that you need to click on payment request: 49000 bytes.
Give me your address and screenshot on this email -
Also text me on telegram - @rajeshkumar2