UEBOT Live Trading on 11/14/2018: position loss 0.96%

UEBOT Live Trading on 11/14/2018: position loss 0.96%

In order to let more investors understand how the trading strategy of UEBOT - Cloud-based Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot Service works, we continuously update the trading signals generated by the market analysis engine and the Bitfinex real trading data very day.

Overview of today's market
The current market atmosphere is still weak and the indicators are divided. The market should shake sideways and modify the indicator. Today's high probability is directly variable from 6400 to 6500. However, if the floor is large, it can occupy a heavy position near 6300 points.

Today's real trading data
today, the Bitfinex market for BTC/ USD continues its small fluctuation and the UEBOT market analysis engine has not yet signaled a trading signal, so the instance of the UEBOT quant trader bots still holds a short position.

The following is today’s detailed transaction data

Opening date: 11/10/2018
Position currency: BTC/USD
Position direction: short
Average position price: 6433 USD
Number of positions: 9.5BTC
Position leverage: 2 times
Position profit and loss (%): -0.96% = -0.48% X 2
Position profit and loss ($): -294USD

The following is a screenshot of Bitfinex's actual position:

Summary of real trading data
Start date: 10/19/2018
Running days: 26days
Initial principal: 5BTC
Current principal: 4.73BTC
Cumulative yield: -5.81% (-1889USD)

The following is a real-quantity trading account details page of UEBOT management platform.
스크린샷 2018-11-14 오후 12.57.36.png

This article is only for communication and sharing. It does not constitute any investment advice. There are risks in the currency market, please invest with spare money and bear the losses by yourself! Interested partners can scan the WeChat public number of UEBOT so that you can know the status of UEBOT in the first time.

Official website: https://uebot.com

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