Bitcoin, The Bell Tolls For Thee


If you think about it from a crypto economics perspective, what  happened to Bitcoin this week with the inclusion of Ethereum on Coinbase  is frankly devastating to Bitcoin’s brand image - and utility.

Coinbase, founded in 2012, sitting on a fat 4.1 million customer  userbase, and backed by some of the deepest pockets in Silicon Valley...  the crypto services giant had always been staunchly a believer in Bitcoin exclusivity until this week’s rollout.

As wildly exciting as the Ethereum community  and ecosystem are becoming, in the back of one’s mind was the  realization that it is still not in the same league as Bitcoin - can’t  move it onto Coinbase and have it in my bank account as fiat currency  the next day. Can’t buy it on Coinbase with a MasterCard instant buy.

Like every  “alt” crypto project before it, Ethereum was relegated to a bizarre  secondary realm which typically involved trading bitcoins for Ether on a  third party exchange web site - or using an institutional level crypto  trading platform, with the minimums and exhausting user identity  processes that institutional level account openings can come with.

Now that’s all different. Coinbase has Ether on an equal footing with  Bitcoin on the company’s Trade page, as shown in the screenshot below.

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