Crypto is down today. While it is not fun, this is normal.

When crypto takes a dive like this, many weak hands sell and dump their coin. Stop loss orders auto-hit, people panic, and the list goes on with people cashing out.

After reviewing my past experiences in crypto, these dives generally do not phase me too much. If I lose 50% of my holdings in the next month, I consider that normal for crypto. The reason I am willing to hold through such fast flash-dives is that the upside at the other end of every crash in crypto is so much larger than the loss.

A great example that happened to me this year was when I rode DASH from $100 back down to $50 within a few weeks. I was laughing the whole way down because I know the long-term value of Dash. Then I rode the roller coaster back up to $200 and today around $150.

I am not sure bitcoin will make it much below $2k this time, but the altcoins are taking a beating. Yet, the upside on many altcoins is greater than the gains bitcoin will ever see!!!

How are you riding out the declines?

Tips for people who panic during declines:

  • Focus on the potential underlying the technological advancement and adoption your coin has, because this is ultimately what drives its value long-term, so you will not feel crazy for holding in declines when fear says sell sell sell

  • Remember all the other dives, or if you do not have that experience, look at old charts of previous dives, and then look what happened after those

  • Some people walk away and forget about it, but that is only good to a point, you still want to be engaged with reviewing the fundamentals of your coin to make sure a good investment is still a good investment

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