Bitcoin or Bust

Here's the thing, I legit think Cryptocurrency will be the currency of the future. I think one bitcoin will be worth at least one million USD by 2020. I think this not because i wish it were going to be true. I have bugger all bitcoin (non-plural, as in i have a few satoshi). I know its going to be true because of reasons. Numbers, mathematical and utility reasons (like these but also hooman reasons.

I refer to specifically here, the predictability of unpredictability. People are not random actors. They do not do the things we expect them to all of the time. They are emotional. Bitcoin, IMHO is actually pretty crappy at what it is supposed to be used for (when i was a newb, like a few months ago, it cost me $20 to send $50 worth of bitcoin. I know its better now with segwit but still). No one is going to use it for microtransactions it just is too terrible, slow, and expensive. But that doesn't stop people believing that it will be. BUT BUT BUT Lightening network i hear you scream at the screen whilst shaking fist fulls of bitcoins. Sure lightening solves /some/ of the issue, but it doesn't fix the whole problem. Bitcoin is centralised. Consensus through proof of work tends towards cheaper power (as pointed out by big @dan). In fact, anyone with half a brain can work that out. The problem is with the emotional half of the brain. Bitcoin was made by Satoshi. Bitcoin is perfect. Bitcoin is the most secure unhacked coin. Etc. These are the same people that were bitcoin shirts and think they are cool. They aren't cool.

Anyways, i think If we focused on correctness pragmatically, rather than some fundamental emotional attachment to a day dream of a conspiracy nut, ironically we would end up improving the value of all cryptocurrency, because value is driven by utility. Utility is not only a function of the softwares capability, but also the network that the software connects to (YES, Metcalfe is a thing)

Till next time suckers
adiós cryptasses

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