The thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia), also known as the sprosser
And again I met this buddy. He sat and sang as usual in the bushes. And as soon as I got closer, he noticed me and fell silent. I had to hide and wait. Some time later, he jumped out of the bushes to the grave fence "to scout the situation". Here I caught him and caught him by surprise! :)
The Eurasian nuthatch or wood nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
In the summer I constantly see some disheveled ruffled nuthatch! Obviously the birds are very hot and they very often swim in the rivers. Seriously, over the past summer I have not had a single photo where the nuthatch was not disheveled!
Still, there may be the likelihood that this is a young bird, and its plumage is just coming to order.