How To Become A Really Good Parent

You've stopped to think a little about this.

If you wonder how to become a good father, it is because you have an unwavering concern about the future of your children, for no one is a secret that in today's society where sexual relations are stimulated, drugs, alcohol and where young people are tempted today by social role or influence to enter this world, it is increasingly difficult to raise or form children with values and an unwavering will to remain faithful to the principles..

It's not that I say it's wrong to have fun and enjoy life in the end we were all young (I still am), the point is that for everything there is time in life, to precipitate or accelerate things. As parents we have the responsibility to educate our children so that they have a great future and that they can even have a future with greater opportunities than we have had during our life.

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But is the detail or the incognita how we achieve this? Young people today need friends, more than parents who only impose rules and regulations, they need that friend who shows them confidence, who listens to them and understands them, who knows what they feel and what they think, know that it is pleasant? That as a child when you get home your parents ask you how you did, what did you do for fun today, and depending on their answer do not scold or admonish, simply advise and explain why these things are bad.

Never as a parent never give the answer (WHY I SAY), instantaneously this generates as a response a negative and even a discussion, the ideal is to explain calmly without raising the voice the reasons why that fact is not correct, in the same way always when we are annoyed we say hurtful words, words that we can regret, remember that words can never return to their original state, is like a piece of paper when they wrinkle, never returns to the same. So be careful what you say and how you say it.



To end if you want to create that bond of trust remember that you were also young and often inhibited from telling your parents your problems, and things of your daily life for fear of being judged, now that these on the other side have the advantage not only current as a parent but also as a child, analyzing the different situations and of course being you a better person every day, with your example you can be that compass, that beacon not only morality that you expect from your child but also from yourself.

Remember that people change for better or worse, depending on your attitudes and the point of view from which you look at it.

Julio Coronel


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