Back Scratchers – Why?

For the longest time, I thought everyone was like me and Back Scratchers were some kind of joke commodity that you bought from joke shops at Blackpool.

I mean why do you need one, just scratch it yourself. If you are not the nail-biting type like me and regularly have to cut your nails, then so much the better.


.. and then one day, @bingbabe asked me to scratch her back.

A little higher, to the left a bit, down a bit.., there… SCRATCH… Oooo…..


...'they are a real thing, and big business. I would think an old broom would work just fine'...

So it appears I am not normal and few people can do with what I can which is touch hands behind my back, which in turn lets me scratch anywhere.

If it itches, I scratch. I am intrigued to know if anyone else can do what I assumed to be normal for the longest time?


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