More New Babies

 Here is our next set of new babies, sugar had her twins yesterday morning.

 The white one is our boy the brown one is a girl.

 All of our girls are looking the same we’re going to have to buy colour-coded  collars for each of them so we can tell them all apart.

Here is Venus she is the next mama to have a babe or two.  She carries very different than the other goats.  Usually we can't tell she is pregnant until she is almost ready to kid out.  We are not sure when she will kid out but I suspect it will be within a month or so. 

A picture of King the dad to all of these beautiful babies.  He is taking a rest before breakfast. In the background I can see one of the ducks under the feeder.  I will have to go and see if she is sitting on some eggs.  Who knows maybe we will have more ducklings this year.  

 And as for the chaos, those that read @wwf‘s blog know we had the risk of a grass fire close to our place.  Here’s some pictures of the end result.

In this photo there are a couple of places that are still smoking this morning.  This is the trees at the neighbours place. 

So I decided that this is "anything can happen year".  Now that we have gotten the possible floods and possible fire out of the way now maybe we can have some relaxation and enjoy the rest of the summer. 


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