What's Wrong With The World?


Depending on Your personal situation there are a number of answers to this question possible. Backed by Eastern Philosophy and derived from a status quo of relative stability, the answer could be "Nothing. There is nothing wrong with the world." To put a philosophical cherry on top, "Everything is perfect." Now, it is here, where those who are enduring less than enviable circumstances will disagree. The idea that everything is perfect will be seen as delusional. Although I would not go that far as to call it delusional, it is certainly utterly removed from reality. A reality that has more and more people and living beings of other provenance experiencing extreme hardship, suffering and pain. Up to death in all imaginable forms.
It is for this reason and for the reason of sitting in the first car of a Roller Coaster - to borrow the metaphor of Bill Hicks, that it is "just a ride" - that has come off its tracks and is in free fall into an abysmal black hole of adverse circumstances. There is no light at the end of this 'tunnel'. People are simply descending into ever more detrimental circumstances over which they have no control. Actually, they are descending into these circumstances, because they never had any control over these developments. What was sold to them as "democracy, freedom and free will", was nothing but pacifying tranquilizers to make the slow boiling enjoyable. But humanity as a whole has been simmering for quite a while now, with the frogs looking out of the pot in confused desperation.

No, the world is not perfect, because perfect does not exist. It is a human concept. A tool to tone down suffering and pain - demanding to accept one's own misery and pain and the misery and pain of others as "collateral damage" of a world, that has such built-in into its perfection. To make that point, one has to ask oneself to what degree wars are perfect. Weather warfare. Depopulation agendas that are so much more thorough and sophisticated that they elude the unsuspecting mind indeed perfectly. Economic hardship that has its roots in greed, psychopathy, misantropy and sadism. Starvation that only occurs due to the manipulations of genes, supply chains and the extermination campaign against small scale farming. It takes a lot of indifference for the suffering of beings to call such a state of being "perfect". It is not. Sure, it actually doesn't have to be perfect. And it might be facetious to recite a notion on a large sign in a shop I once worked in, but in all irony, it stated "Good enough is perfect." as a response to another sign that read "Perfect is good enough." Good enough would indeed be perfect for all those, who are experiencing hardship, suffering and pain. For the simple reason that "good enough" implies the absence of adverse life circumstances as are experienced by way too many beings - including myself.

Without giving details that would once more make a short story too long, I like to write about another experience with AI that I had last night. The subject was "assisted death", a topic that has been in the news for some time now. It included the development of what is termed "assisted death tourism" - the traveling of those seeking assisted death to nations that provide this possibility to those, whose own countries will not allow for that option. It turned out of course, that this option is only available for the wealthy assisted death seekers. People that are experiencing adverse life conditions as terminal illness, mental health conditions that prevent any form of participation in the process of generating sufficient income to survive and chronic diseases that are incurable, or only made endurable via heavy drug use. Now, to forward to an entirely different take on assisted death, I would like You to watch the science fiction movie "Soylent Green", in which those who decide to end their life are rewarded with images and videos of a long gone world that was as beautiful as untouched nature was. The father of the lead character had decided for assisted death and was laying comfortably in a movie theater like room, watching all the most beautiful imagery of a world long gone while drifting away.

Some might call that "predictive programming", or, as in George Orwell's "1984" - premonition of what will come to be. In none of the offerings of assisted death though, this version is adopted. The opposite appears to be true. Assisted death takes place in an ambiente that reflects the end result. Who needs uplifting surroundings when they will be gone in 60 seconds? To use a phrase that comes to mind. But from here, the question remains unanswered. ChatGPT does not, or better "is not programmed" to discuss the issue outright. Pondering about ways out of misery and pain falls under the limitations of AI. Whereas any unlimited version would probably deliver detailed information about how to end one's life swiftly and painlessly. We are not there, yet. What I received was nothing else but the same arguments given by those, who oppose assisted death in all forms. Investigating who the people are who oppose assisted death, one arrives at a combination of religion and perceived superiority of mental health "professionals" that are reminiscent of those "professionals" and "experts" that talked people into getting injections that turned out to be doing anything but what they were promused to do. In the same fashion, they argue that assisted death should not be permitted - because there could always be a chance for change of circumstances to the better. With religion though, the delusion sits much deeper than misplaced optimism. Digging into any argument religious people voice against assisted death leads to the understanding, that suffering and pain are no reason to end one's life - as one shall not take what "God" has given. Excluded from this kind of thinking of course remains, that suffering and pain are not prerequisites for a life worth living. The ten commandments do not contain any notion to that regard. They actually are a list of recommended behavior in order to avoid suffering and pain. As simple as that. But for those, who believe in the ludicrous contention of "original sin", humans must suffer misery and pain, as they deserve it, of course. Worshiping a being nailed to a cross provides for the kind of background that also creates a deep sitting hypocrisy. "Assisted death = bad" - "suffering misery and pain = good". This argument can also be observed when the topic is abortion. Unborn life is sacred - born life deserves to suffer misery and pain. Most apparent with the recent repeal of regulations that prevent child labor in 17 U.S. states.

Hypocrites. To cut to the chase now. The country I am currently in against my will, is of a Catholic mindset and has therefore blocked legislation that was created to allow for a dignified end of life in cases where only assisted death is a way out of misery and pain. One has to ponder about the fact that it is permitted to sign up for assisted death in Ukraine. That's what signing up to fight against Russians means in reality. The reasons here are but a little bit more complex - since Catholicism is the only real religion and all others are fake and/or inferior. Where has one heard of such "exceptionalism" before?

Yes, I would go today to the kind of setting as is depicted in "Soylent Green" - without getting processed into green wafers, of course. Even though I could care less if I would end up in somebody elses stomach. And if it would be to prevent starvation - why not? Just dark kidding. The truth is, that I ended up in a situation from which there is no escape. Assisted death would put an end to my suffering and pain for which there is no cure in a world that is anything but perfect. It dawned upon me that an assisted death version the likes of "Soylent Green" (without getting processed into wafers) would probably reduce the human population by two thirds - as two thirds are suffering misery and pain without any hope for a change to the better. Today's misery and pain is courtesy of the elites, the hyper rich turned "experts" on anything they can buy. The majority of the human population has to suffer because few have stolen the majority of public wealth. A system rigged against wellbeing of but a few.

Assisted death is the only way out of this dead end, but the majority of destitute beings will continue to end their lives by any means available - if they can.

So, yes, most everything is wrong with this world. It is time to provide a free way to end a life that is suffering from misery and pain without any hope for improvement. Let the rich have it all and nobody to cater to their pathetic needs.

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