A picture is worth a thousand words. Black and white photography

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Yet often those who post quality photography on Steemit don't get the recognition they should. Now keep in mind I'm talking about quality photography here.

I often see those who post photos criticized for not posting a lot of text to go with it. Sure posting text or a long story takes time and thought but so does quality photography. A photographer may take a long time getting to the location they want to shoot, they take time and effort finding just the right shot, then they spend even more times looking through their photos for just the right one, and finally editing their picture to be just right.

My point is that a good photo can stand on it's own, you don't have to have paragraphs of information to appreciate the paintings, sculptures, and photography at the art museum.

If you are a photographer or if you enjoy good photography I urge you to upvote and resteem the photography you like on steemit. Let's curate some quality.

With that out of the way I've put together a collection of black and white photos that I've taken. I hope you enjoy them.

Flower at Wildwood Metropark, Toledo Ohio.

Fifth Third building (glass tower) Toledo Ohio.

Vibram shoes, waterfall Slade Ky.

Sunset, springtime Wildwood Metropark, Toledo Ohio.

Boardwalk, Irwin Prairie State Nature Preserve, Ohio

Tree, Wildwood Metropark Toledo Ohio.

Electrical tower, East Toledo Ohio.

Clouds, Toledo Ohio.

Rosemary Cathedral, Toledo Ohio.

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