Attempts in Art Making!
Hey guys! So I was playing around with the tools that both my sisters use for their digital art called Artrage and I figured I might as well try my hand at it as well. So for this little guy I just used a mouse instead of borrowing my sister's drawing tablet since I was just playing around and getting myself familiar with how this whole thing works.
So first I played around with all the brushes and eventually ended up with this brush. So this brush only paints a little before running out. It's the Oil Brush - Dry Clumps. And as an avid dragon enthusiast my mind always wanders to dragons whenever I think of fantasy. And since the dry clumps brush looked kind of like scales so I went ahead with it. Also made a different layer for guide lines.
So I continued filling it in until this happened. I wasn't sure anymore where I was going with this. So I just kept filling it in until I formed kind of a dragon head. Still using the same brush.
So in the end I ended up with this monstrosity. I used a different type of oil brush for the details on the head called the Dry Varnished Oil Brush. And in the end I used the palette knife tool to sort of merge all the scales on the body. Not sure if that helped it any. Hahaha.
I'm still unsure if it's a dragon or a snake but I put grass as a background just in case.
So this was just a trial but I hope to make better and more detailed art soon. I actually also have a couple of things planned out for this month so look out for my posts. Haha.