✿ Kinda late Entry for Fall Feels ✿

Hello there, ✿
so when fall had literally just arrived, it hit me like a truck with all the fall feelings included.
But since I am never on time and it is still not too late to post about fall, here I go


I used watercolors and colored pencils in fall colors like browns, pale greens, yellows and reddish colours. The outlines are made with different pencils which I applied in no particular order.

In fall I tend to become very demotivated and tired, my health sucks and all I want to do is stay in bed.
To demolish my dislike for fall and winter, I began doing certain things that I mainly do in those seasons.
Some of those things include wearing makeup, drinking tea, wearing fall and winter colors and binge watching shows.

If you also struggle to find happiness in the colder seasons, I recommend picking certain activities you like and only do them in those seasons, so that you have something special that you enjoy✿

Stay warm, dry and cozy ~ ✿

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