Art by me, MajorMajorMajorThom.

No story post today, sorry. Instead, we have some super VAPORWAVE-inspired art.

Yesterday, I just wanted to make something Vaporwave, for fun, and I had the image of one of the members from Pussy Riot with a beach or something super-imposed on her Balaclava, so I did that and it was really fun to make.

It doesn't really fit with the story I'm currently working on, so I figured I'd just post it anyway. Maybe I'll make a whole series of them at some point, I don't know. MAybe I'll do a bit of reserach into Vaporwave an explain it a whole lot better, we'll have to see.

I'm definitely a bit late to the A E S T H E T I C S party, at least 5 years by now, but I just love the style and colours. It's really fun to make, especially while listening to the fuzzed-out half-remembered, dreamy and atmospheric music of the subgenre (I recommend 2814, Nmesh, and HKE, if you want to get transported into a different world of the future-past). The concept of being haunted by an analogue past in our digital age is also quite inspiring.

Just a little insight into my process for the last couple of weeks: I usually spend the day working on some kind of Photoshop project (usually waaaaay too long), using this as an opportunity to learn new skills and techniques on Photoshop. Then I compose fiction prose to go along with the image, using it as an inspiration of sorts, and post both together when I'm done.

I'm not an artist by any means, I couldn't draw to save my life, but I've found a great hobby and have a lot of fun doing photo-manipulation and compositing on Photoshop, so I hope to improve and get better. The same as my writing.

So, please enjoy.

Until the next time, I'll see you in the comments!

You can download the full-res image over on my DeviantArt, if you want a wallpaper or something.

This is MajorMajorMajorThom, over and out.

Scribo, Specto, Lego, Cogito, ergo sum


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