Scrap Montage And My Breakfast.....

Happy Tuesday ! I worked till noon and now I'm off for the day. Yay !
I am watching the website that shows the wait time for the early voting sites in my county. I plan to go sometime, possibly today (possibly not).... to put my 2 cents worth in for the presidential elections. I don't think the sites are updated frequently enough and maybe not even correctly, but it's the best chance guess to hopefully not stand in line for 2 hours. My Sis and her hubby went last week. The site said 20 minute wait. They got there in 10 minutes and waited for an hour and a half (did I tell that before??? ha ha)...and part of that was in the hot sun. I'm thinking on going late afternoon or early evening to make sure waiting in the hot sun is not part of my experience, or I might drag a large umbrella with me. I'm making it up as I go along. :)
Last night I was working on another little piece of my collage art. I thought it was done, but wasn't sure it was done and.... so I decided to pull out my journal and do a somewhat quick little scrap art piece there. I spent a little more time than I intended on it as when I started, I pictured only using a minimum amount of scraps, but then..... this happent.


It is odd and dark in places, but colorful in others. In the end I thought it still had some eye appeal, well, at least to MY eyes. It was fun to create either way.


..... and just for added value for my post (LOL)... I added a photo of my breakfast this morning. Why? WHY?.... because it was there, that's why ! It's a serving of breakfast casserole and as you can see, some fruit. It was yummy. I'm not sure why it's called casserole, but I am not sure what better name it would be. It is one of a bazillion versions where you layer your ingredients in a large oven proof dish, let it sit in the frig all night and then bake it the next day. I mentioned that I was making it for lunch for me and Mom on Sunday. I've been enjoying it for breakfast every since. It has bacon, sausage, cheese on top of buttered sliced bread, then some blended half-and-half, with 5 eggs and a little dry mustard was poured over the top. Your entire breakfast all in one square.
It's yummy !


Now I think I will put in a load of clothes to wash and get my Amazon package from the porch, feed myself some lunch and....whatever I decide to do next!


Hope you are all having a great day or night or whatever time it is where you are.
Love you !
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