I Love You.... And Near Misses

Good Morning !
Well, it is here at least, a very good morning it seems.
Like the majority of Sundays, I will be going to see my Mom in a couple of hours. I cooked a corned beef brisket last night and I bought some fresh sauerkraut to take for our lunch, along with some bolillo rolls and a triple filled cinnamon pecan danish. Sounds yummy right ?
Most of my life I wouldn't touch sauerkraut with a 10 foot pole, much less eat any of it LOL ! ....but I am lightly tolerant of it now. I really bought it because my Mom loves it. The only way I ever saw it prepared at my house growing up, was when Mom warmed some on the stove with some cut up hot dog weinies in it. She and Dad were the only ones that would eat it. Eventually I got where I liked the flavor of the weinie that was cook in it, if absolutely every bit of the kraut was wiped off of it. Anyway, that is what I'll be dragging out there this time.
I made this little art piece last night. I went through a lot of papers to see what I wanted to do and other ideas had many papers that would compliment them and ..... I kept wishing I had something good to go with the background paper in this piece. I had made multiple pulls off my gel press that caused the piece that you see. I did not add any paint once it was glued to the little canvas board. All of that paint was already on the paper. I really thought it was beautiful, but I really didn't have any other papers that I thought would be wonderful to go with it. In the end though I was stubborn and chose it anyway for a start. Let's don't wait for a great idea, right?

I love you Hand Tree1.jpg

Anyway, there was the slightest smidge of yellow to the right and although barely perceptable, a little hint of yellow in the background here and there and bits in the top and bottom on the left, so yellow had to be good for an accent I thought. I cut some circles out of another painted paper and put them down the side. The color combo was right and to this point, it was all good.... but what next?

I love you Hand Tree.jpg

I had cut out this wonky something that hinted of a tree. That mostly yellow paper was a page from a word-find book. I reasoned cutting the tree'ish thing from it would be interesting with the letters on it. I had tried it right side up, like you saw above and was not sure, so at one point I "auditioned" it on the piece upside down. It didn't have a need to be a tree since it was abstract, but I eventually chose against it. Still, both ways, I seemed determined to have some little circles randomly floating above it.

upside down.jpg

After I made the decision to turn the tree thing back up and glue it on, I then played with the circles above it. As I was trying this and trying that with the colors, one of the little circles I had punched out had an O on it. At the time, the rest had no letters. I re-arranged and changed the colors in different ways until it hit me, that since the tree'ish thing was from the word page, shouldn't all of the circles have letters in them and then as I grabbed the punch and leftover paper, I decided I should spell something and what better to spell than the word LOVE?.... So I found the letters on the painted paper, punched them out and glued them on. (Isn't that background amazingly gorgeous with all it's layers for beautiful color?)


Not immediately, but pretty soon after, I thought I should put "you" at the bottom of the tree and as you can see, I decided to just use U instead, in keeping with today's popular communication methods. 😂 Funny right?


I believed the piece to be done after adding the U. Certainly it was an off-set design, but then, I didn't really want to cover up more of the beautiful background paper. I took multiple photos and called it completed although I can't say I was feeling the "masterpiece" glow about it. It was very late, (or should I say early?) in the morning hours. I was getting tired and was straightening things around the area I had been working in. I was about to get up and walk away when something whispered "that upper left corner needs a little something off the tip of the nub of paper that sticks out there". "What?? You mean you are not done?" I thought. But it was true, there was a space that needed a tiny balancer. Immediately I knew what it was, it was I.... Me... I that loves you and so I punched out one more letter and glued it on. It just would not have been the same without it.


I never know what will happen when I sit down to play and create. Sometimes it turns out to be very happy things. (and sometimes NOT !) But that IS just the way it goes.
Now ....for the near miss.....
I was reading someone else's post where the jist of it in a very tiny nutshell was that all we really have is now.... NOW... right this minute as you are reading this NOW..... and I pondered once again on how true that was. Every minute we have lived so far is behind us now and cannot be changed and we don't know if we have another minute or many years ahead.
It caused me to think about the multiple times in life where with one second difference, I could actually not still be here now. The most recent was two weeks ago. It was Sunday and I had left home to go to my Mom's. I had a nice pork roast and some green beans that had been cooked in it's broth after it was done and I had stopped at the local breakfast biscuit restaurant to grab some tasty biscuits to go with it.
The road it was on had 5 lanes, with the center being a turning lane, so I pulled out when the traffic allowed and had gone to the inside lane of the two that were headed in the direction I was going. I would need to turn left in a few blocks at a stoplight, so was positioned to make that as easy as possible. There was a bigger car to my right in the outside lane that was slightly ahead of me. Soon it put in it's right blinker to pull into a parking lot as I continued forward, as there was nothing in front of me for a good distance. As that car began to turn right into the parking lot, all of the sudden another car FLEW out in front of me from nowhere, NOWHERE being that they were pulling out of that same parking lot the other car was making a right turn into. I threw on my brakes while blowing my horn and that car threw on brakes which stopped it right in front of me sitting across the lanes. I wasn't sure I could stop in time to keep from hitting her, but I did. There we were, both stopped at a dead standstill, looking at one another. Her face was frozen in shock or fear as I'm sure mine was as well. After a second, I smiled and waived my hand at her to go ahead as there was nowhere for me to go until she moved. When it was clear enough for her to do so, she continued on to the other side of the road where she had been heading out too before.
I truly believe it was one of those times where the position of my car on the inside lane was in a blind spot from her vision behind the larger car that was turning right into the lot she was coming out of. I don't think she had seen me at all till the other car was finishing it's turn and out of nowhere, I was there. I don't know what would have happened to me, would I have survived or not, but I fully believe if I had been one second late on the brake, her's would have been a "closed casket" funeral, as I was perfectly positioned when I stopped to have plowed dead center into her driver's side door. Certainly as traffic laws go, it would have been her fault. Someone had to be at fault, right? Still..... it was truly a total unavoidable glitch on her side that could have possibly been the end for one or both of us. This time, thankfully, it was not.
It can happen that fast and by that much of a surprise. Good thing my inspection a month ago caused me to have all new brakes and tires put on my car. I wonder if my old worn out tires and brakes would have allowed me to stop in time. So many things to ponder.
SO ! Let's have some fun today and be kind to others and mend some fences if any are broken.... and laugh like crazy! If I make it to Mom's and back today, I'll be thankful and will be posting some more of my Hive refrigerator art for you enjoy or roll your eyes over or ignore. 🤣
I love you !
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