One vanishing point street

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Good afternoon, Steemit.

I took advantage of the Carnival break in Venezuela to bring a small exercise of a street with buildings with a vanishing point in between. (To know more about the basics of perspective, you can see my post about it ).

First, I made the square where I would do my composition, the horizon line (LH in the picture) and a vertical line that would do the job of the sight line, which intersection would be the vanishing point (PF in the picture). From there, 4 diagonal lines went out and will define the Street and the roof of the buildings, and 2 less inclined lines that will define the center of the street.


Then I traced 2 vertical lines near the right and left ends to define the end of the buildings, and a horizontal line that connect them from below. And near the center, a square with the top side to delimitate the end of the buildings in the street.


I traced more vertical lines to delimitate the buildings, a diagonal line to the right to make taller one of the buildings and more lines in the street to define the sidewalks.


Finally, I traced horizontal lines to delimitate the end of the buildings, including some at the end of the street, as well as to delimitate the crosswalks. I also added some shadows.


That’s all for now. Thank you very much to see it and for your support. As always, suggestions and comments are welcome.


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