When Mr Sun finally showed up

Did you know that here in the Philippines particularly in Region 8 that we had been experiencing all months long of rainy season??? ☂️

This is by far the longest experience where it had been raining too much everyday since December 2022. We rarely got to see the hotness of Mr. Sun anymore. We missed him dearly. We are used with more of his side than Mr. Rain.

Then one faithful day, my little family finally decided to come out of our shell and get the vitamin sea we needed. We had been secluded in our homes for weeks now due to the rainy weather we have. The kids wanted to get out and play outside but were forced to just watch over the window and wished for the rain to stop.

We reached the Kahoy Beach Resort in Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte, which approximately a 48 km away from our residence in Sogod and probably and hour or so drive away. We were met by the lovely weather! No rainy clouds ever seen, it was pure sunny day. Yep! The sun was stinging hot on our skin but we didn't mind at all. I said to the kids that we will enjoy today and make memories.

This is how loooooooong the beach stretches, there were only a few people aside from us in the area, mostly are local fishermen getting their boats ready.

this is a contest photo

and this is the view from the other side...


The resort is locally known as the Mahaba Beach in Padre Burgos, Southern Leyte. The beach stretches really really long along the shorelines. And we were again lucky enough that we had the beach to ourselves!


the monkeys who were too excited to jump in!



It was a mission accomplished day for we get to swim and had fun with Mr. Sun around. The crystal clear waters was sooo inviting, all of us had swam over and spend much time before we headed back to the reality. This is really one of our paradise getaway if we needed the break from all the stress back home.

If you can, get out and take a break from your busy life. Enjoy each moments with your family.

Gotta go! See ya around.. 😘

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