Mar. 31, 23: Routine, AMA's, Sink, PUM, TV, and Games


[I actually have the Libertarian Party special convention that I'm supposed to attend today, and while I woke up still somewhat undecided, I came down firmly on the side of going...however, as the morning progressed and I read an article that polled the members, 46 of which would not be attending, I couldn't bring myself to sit in a meeting all day that the people may or may not even agree is valid versus getting my post done, attending Pizza events, and getting laid...well, I'm working on writing this post right now, so I guess the answer is kind of obvious...]

Got to sleep a bit late last night, about ten, but it looks like I only woke up once during the night and I made it through the whole night in bed! 😮😁 I did wake up a little earlier than I would have liked, but five-thirty it was and I ended up half an hour short of my eight hours goal.

Got a decently early start on the morning routine as a result, though, and was able to pound out my post with relatively little stress. Just all the same old morning stuff otherwise, curation, pings, tokens, and check on my cryptos.


Kinda' mean-looking again today...lotta reds, and a couple of percent at that. 😧 Of course, HIVE's got to lead the pack on the downswing...double everything else at nearly five percent and back below $.4 again.

How many years do I keep hoping? How many years, spending hours a day to earn and save whatever of this coin I can, only to watch it languish and pump and dump? Hive has the potential...but it mostly seems to remain just that, potential, and as long as the powers that be see it as nothing more than a blogging platform that needs to conform to their "quality" standards, it will continue to remain as such. 🤬

You'd think the ones most vested would actually want to see progress and innovation, but they want to see people post lengthy diatribes about crappy idle games, but not make too much for posting, 'cus you know, rewards pool and stuff. 😡😭 What a "vision," to want nothing more than a clean trending page (and no "spammy" bot comments). 😝

Once my post was done and published and I was satisfied that the morning routine was done, I hopped over to Discord and there was a TeamPH AMA going on that I decided to attend. Was interesting, but somewhat contentious in my opinion.

I get the philosophy they're going for, they want to have members that are in it for the long haul, not just to cut and run, which I'm absolutely on board with, but they were talking about kicking people out of the Discord/Community if they sold out their, I myself am a chronic hodler and almost never sell anything (so it doesn't even really affect me), but if being a member of their community means I relinquish my control over my tokens in the sense that I agree to let them tell me what I can or can't do with them, I don't have any desire to be a part of it.

Azircon talked for quite a while, but he seems to disagree with the patently obvious fact that a broken clock is right twice a day..OK, rather, he seems to disagree with me that the HBD peg works, but that just wasn't even worth arguing about.

Not too long after that AMA finished another one fired up over in the Sergent Gaming server about Astral Revelations. I listened in for most of it, and jumped into chat a few times, but was busy getting on with the sink and the ultimate takeaway for me was that I'm not an alpha tester (they were chosen today). I suppose that's alright...let those guys struggle with the early bugs, I'll come along once it's better. 😜

My primary goal for today (really my only proper goal) was to install the new pop-up drain in the bathroom sink. I'd gotten everything I needed (I hoped) yesterday but figured it would be a fairly involved procedure, so I put it off for today when I was more or less wide open and could roll with the punches as they came, and of course, came they did.

Looks pretty nice, I suppose. I'm still a little worried about that plumber's putty around the edge...might run a bead of silicone caulk, just to try to keep it from getting wiped away and/or getting discolored. However, it's the pop-up functionality and the ability to take out and clean the drain trap that was really what I wanted (and now have). 👍


The first thing I had to do (or rather undo) was the old drain and p-trap from the previous owners. I got a new one since the old one didn't actually fit properly and the only reason it didn't leak any more was because it was all crusted over with hard water crap. 🤣 I wasn't quite sure about the sizing of everything, though, but it turned out to be OK.

Once I got all the old plumbing out of the way, it was on to removing the old drain. That was pretty jerry-rigged (like most everything the previous owners did) and it took me a while to get the extra adapter stuff they'd put on off so I could even get at the old drain.

After I finally got it out, I went to fit the new drain...and all the adapter crap started to make a little more sense. 😭 The drain sat waaay too deep and was about a quarter inch short on the diameter. 😱 There was no way I was going to be able to adequately fill all that gap with plumber's putty there was an open overflow hole on the back that had to be plugged and a gap all the way around the whole thing that would have filled with stagnant water. 🤬🤢

I decided to take one of the old rubber washers as a filler to raise the drain and occupy some of the space for the putty to fill, added an *excessive amount of putty both in the sink and around the whole drain to (hopefully) keep the water from getting stuck in there.

Unfortunately, two of the pieces were missing from the new p-trap 😕 and it was looking like I'd have to go back in and exchange it, but I was able to reuse one of the old pieces and didn't end up needing the other, so mischief managed.


Ran the water for the first time fully expecting at least one leak, but so far so good!!! 😃 Now, to be honest, there was one drip (which I'm monitoring, hence the paper towels) but it was from the valve and not anything that I installed today. 👍

I got a shower once I finished, since I had all that gross stinky gunk all over my arms and hand and shirt, got a much needed shave, and took care of my nails. When I got out, Wenche was making us an omelet and toast for dinner and then we hunted around for a while trying to find something to watch.

We ended up stumbling on Murder Mystery 2 with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. Was pretty fun, but to be honest I was mostly messing around with WombPlay games. Domino Dreams was finally avaliable for Android (earned all the NFTs from Dice Dreams 😁🤑) and I started in with that and worked a bit on Forest Knight trying to get to stage 33 for that NFT challenge (progress seems to be slowing a bit, though...might take me a while to get there).

Woot! Another solid Power Up Month badge in the bag! 😁💪 [Oh, sugar! Today is to see about some liquid to power up. 😧] I did happen to go in and take a look at my badges the other day and was disappointed to find one of the PUM badges missing. 😡


I'm absolutely certain that I've gotten every one of them as a matter of course simply by posting every day 100% powered up...not sure what to do about it, though. Thought about asking them to look into it, but I guess its not really all that important.

Anyway, got ready for bed and despite all the moving around I did working on the sink, I still had thousands left to go and I totally cheated until i crashed out watching some Kung Fu Panda.

[Late on posting this morning, but it's a pretty epic post, you gotta' give me that.]

My Splinterlands rental income remained stable at a dollar eighty for today. I do still have nearly ten HIVE liquid, but been adding to the PIMP:STELLARUM pool and got HPUD, so I think I need to swap that DEC out.

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Still got about twenty saved in my prepay balance, so just staked my SPS interest for today.

I think I've been stable at forty-three SIM and .041 HIVE per day for the last two or three days now. While I'm a little disappointed that my return has capped out, it's a much better equilibrium point than zero was, for sure.



Pretty sure it was a one mission day on Rising Star today; was busy most of the day and so wasn't obsessing about earning crypto in one way or another (usually what causes me to cycle through Hive games and Wombat stuff). Anyway, my Ego started going up again, so I'm running a lesson for now.

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Nothing changed here and I'm already pretty much set on my words for today (and late for Gartic 😱😫) so recycled balance photo:


My goal of increasing my drop over here hasn't really paid off that well, and not sure why I cared all that much to begin with other than hoping for future sales to be better than present ones. Still, just been madly staking and I did the same today.

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Claimed my stake and delegation rewards for the day and staked up my airdrop and pool rewards but no mining rewards. I feel a bit bad that I complained about the all zeros days in the Discord but didn't go back in and say something nice about the fact that they fixed it.

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Average Last 7 Days: 10,193

Lifetime Average: 14,345


10k per Day Streak: 6


Longest Streak: 204

Distance on shoes: 1318.66 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 425
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 236
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 90%
Satisfaction: 86%
Energy: 92%
Productivity: 80%




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