Man Arguing 'You Can't Defeat An Idea' Spends Life Trying To Defeat Zionism

"Resist the temptation to solve problems with violence, as the Zionists are trying to do. The way to resist is by all means necessary, no matter how bloody and destructive."

Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 8 - A campus activist who has devoted significant time and effort to convince people of the folly of pursuing the demise of Islamist terrorist movements because those movements represent not merely organizations but ideas, which "you can't defeat," also dedicates the bulk of his free time attempting to defeat the idea that Jews belong in their ancestral homeland, exercising sovereignty.

Kamel Shagr, 23, leads the Harvard-MIT chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, though he attends classes at neither institution. Shagr's outspoken presence at numerous rallies features accusations that Israel commits genocide, practices, Apartheid, and harvests the organs of Palestinians has made him a magnet for local and social media attention, which he exploits to spread the message that fighting Hamas and Hezbollah cannot succeed, because those groups constitute an idea, and you can't defeat an idea. He also rails against Zionism, but has yet to address the cognitive dissonance inherent in insisting you can't defeat an idea, while trying to defeat Zionism, an idea.

"Hamas embodies the collective will of the Palestinian people, and you cannot defeat that just by killing some people," he argued. "We must resist the temptation to solve problems with violence, as the Zionists are trying to do. The way to resist is by all means necessary, no matter how bloody and destructive, because Zionist must be defeated if the Middle East, if the world, is to be a peaceful place again, like it was before Zionism."

Shagr urged his comrades and "moral, upstanding people" to fight Zionism wherever it may rear its head, such as wherever Jew gather, or wherever Jews walk. "It takes diligent effort, like it took to defeat Nazism." That idea was defeated, he explained, except for Jews being the new Nazis, which illustrates you can't defeat an idea, to which he has dedicated his life to defeating.

"They tried to stop Islam, too, but Islam is an idea, and you can't defeat an idea," he continued, referring to early opponents of Muhammad, some of whom were Jews, who follow ideas that Shagr boasted were defeated by the armies of Islam.

"Islam defeated Christianity, too," he asserted, compounding his cognitive dissonance with a startling historical illiteracy. "Also Communism."

Commentators noted that Shagr's activism overlaps, and often blends, with groups pursuing the downfall of the West more broadly. "They want to defeat the very idea of America," observed Altanafur Almaerifiu. "It's a war of ideas. They're betting that the idea that you can't defeat an idea is an idea that cuts only one way. At least that's the idea."

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