Walk In The Bush

 So now that all the snow has melted and things have dried up here a bit.  We will take a walk in the bush. Here is the entrance of the bush.

We have 72 acres of land and about 65 it is Bush. It is early so there won’t be much growth.

The first bits of new growth.  


This is a picture of our raspberry patch in about a month it should be in full growth.

From Mushrooms of the Boreal Forest by Eugene F Bossenmaier

 May in Alberta is morale month which are a darker mushroom so I’m going to start walking every few days to see if we can get some morels. There’s been enough water that we should definitely  have some morels out and about it’s just a matter of finding them. It is  a bit early for morels I’m not really seeing anything.

Here is one of the paths that we use to go for walks in the bush.  We have spent many hours making trails in the bush.  We also use these trails to bring out wood to buck up and split for our winter fires in the house. 

We are at the beginning stages of the bush taking form into it's beautiful glory. It will be a couple more weeks before we really see some good growth.

Here is Mr. Rooster sitting on the hay bale watching over his flock.  As you can see in the background the goats have gotten loose.  We are trying to put them in the pasture in the front.  They are wanting to come back to their pens, and the hay.  These are the young goats and the ones that are not showing signs of being pregnant.

The ducklings are beginning to venture out of the nest.  They are probably 4 feet from the hen house where they sleep for the night.  Under all the hay is bugs and some snow.  They are enjoying the feast of bugs and bits of dirt.  They spent the afternoon eating and sun bathing. 

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