Zoo animals are dying of hunger in Venezuela


A Hungry Lion

The political, economic, social, humanitarian, and even ethical and moral crisis that Venezuela is currently suffering is not a secret for anyone. I have written several post about it in the past, and I think everyone knows what is happening.

What I am going to show now, is what is happening in the zoos of Venezuela, where nobody escapes the crisis, not even the animals.


In the metropolitan zoo of Zulia animals are literally dying of hunger, some photos were recently leaked in which we can see how all these animals of wild nature pay life imprisonment and death sentence in these enclosures.


Many animals such as ducks, pigs and goats have been slaughtered to feed other zoo species, many others have died due to lack of food, while others suffer severe malnutrition.



It is not the first time that the precarious conditions suffered by animals in Venezuela are reported, in different zoos in the country some animals such as horses have been stolen by people who are desperately looking for food.

In March of last year, some images of an elephant were filtered in the zoo of Caricuao, the elephant named Ruperta, suffered from severe malnutrition, some international organizations tried to offer help, but the Venezuelan government did not accept it.


Numerous animal care foundations have offered to relocate, transport and feed all these mammals, taking care of all the necessary costs, but the socialist government of Venezuela has refused to accept the petitions, ignoring and pretending that nothing has happened.

Without exception, each and every one of these animals are victims of many hardships that would not have happened in the animal world, I try not to take this to the political aspect, but it is impossible not to mention how these animals suffer from a politics and social system that they don't even know, none of them knows who Marx, Maduro or Socialism are, but they are unconscious victims of all of them.

This is just one side of the crisis that is experienced in Venezuela, it is not the hardest, but it is not necessary to be more explicit, I think we can all feel empathy for the animals and we can imagine what is happening.

My goal with this is not to enhance a victimization by the Venezuelan population, nor to seek to commit someone abroad to the situation of a country that is foreign to him, what I seek with this publication, and in fact, with practically all the publications that I talk about Venezuela, is that each one of you, in any country that you are, know and can understand how fragile and delicate is the society in which you live, being aware of how easy and fast a country can be destroyed by the simple fact of taking the wrong choices. Venezuela was and continues to be a country rich in natural resources, however, neither money nor gold, nor oil, can guide a country through the right path, only people can do it. It does not matter if you are in Germany, the United Kingdom or the United States, if people make the wrong decisions, everything can go down before you can realize it.

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