Enlivening and heartfelt conversations are becoming more and more frequent and they are making me think that maybe, just maybe, We are snapping out of the 'consensus is all' reality we've been stuck in. There once was a time when attempts to question the nature of 'War on (of) Terror', the legitimacy of 'vaccines', or the real agenda behind the 'Global Warming' industry were met with hostility; sheer disbelief that anyone could question a consensus was ubiquitous.
But this is hardly surprising when we consider the following:
Established popular opinion is usually established by our beloved 'Establishment' and their social engineer cronies (see B.F. Skinner, Edward Bernays, Ivan Watson etc.). The keys to Our psyche have been long known (see Freud, Jung, Rank, Laing, Reich, etc.) and the technological means to crack Our most personal of safes (and therefore engineer Our behaviour) has been here for at least a century (see the 'Lily Wave', 'psychotonic warfare', the television, EM fields etc etc.).
There are obviously certain collectively-held Truths that are useful, but so obvious that they need not be questioned:
Don't eat fire; don't drive off bridges; don't go around kicking people's cats etc. etc...
But if other, more cerebral, widely-held opinions are based in Truth they can withstand scrutiny.
What is the alternative, crazy, conspiracyWack-tard population like me saying about subject X? What does your intuition tell you when you listen (with an open mind) to researchers like Icke, Tsarion, Corbett (Corbett Report) give alternative explanations for the way events in OUR World play out?
- Question especially deeply if consensus opinion is telling you to put something into your body
Despite what collectivists like Corbyn, and fascists like Theresa May (two wings, same bird) want you to think, Your opinion does carry weight. You are part of the collective unconscious and the energy you project (thoughts, emotions, beliefs etc.) influences ALL.
Snowflakes will be avalanches,
Ripples - Tidal Waves
There is nothing wrong with 'consensus', but it must be arrived at through discernment, particularly when multiple consensuses are goose-stepping us toward the fruition of UN Agenda2030's massively depopulated Orwellian nightmare**.
There are holistic solutions to every social problem that exists, but they can never flourish in the presence of Violent Control by psychopathic powers; violent and empathy-less gangs that we "vote" for! This is the real social problem and if there is one consensus that must be put thoroughly to the sword of Reason it is this one:
- that a priest-class known as "politicians", their owners and their cronies, have magical rights that you and I don't.
Is it okay with you, when you deeply ponder it, that a ruling class is somehow allowed (by us) to violently coerce a population into funding their war mongering and the covering up of their child abuse?
There are alternative ways of thinking (and therefore of existing), none of which see Violence*** as a legitimate means of control.
** at the same time, be very wary of the Lefty Huxlian collectivised nightmare, unless you love your slavery, then go ahead
*** see "taxation", Man's "laws" (i.e. threats -as opposed to Natural Law)
Flower through concrete: https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/flower-tree-growing-concrete-pavement-101.jp.g
Bidirectional Wave: https://i.stack.imgur.com/WvrHN.jp.g
BigPharma: https://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/big-pharma-by-HuffingtonPost.jp.g
Anarchy definition: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7d/37/98/7d37988a09781a5b642f430d5a4803a1--random-cute-things-lovely-things.jp.g