Steemit + Wikileaks = Freedom of Information

Steemit could provide a valuable source of income for media outlets fighting for transparency in a seemingly never ending war against government censorship.

Today Wikileaks is releasing more than 100,000 emails and documents related to Turkey's attempted coup, which many think was staged by the current president Recep Erdoğan to justify the ongoing purge of more than 50,000 soldiers, police, judges, civil servants and teachers that may (or may not) have opposed the Erdoğan regime. 

It seems the Turkish government is likely to censor the Wikileaks information and prevent it from getting to where it is more needed - the Turkish people:

Imagine what would happen if the Turkish opposition, apparently numbering around 50,000 people, upvoted the Wikileaks release? 

Wars are ultimately about money - the side with the most money usually wins - and there are no deeper pockets than those of the governments. Steemit completely reshapes the battlefield and gives the little guy a fighting chance to take the high ground. 

The winds of change are stirring...

#anarchism #anarchy #steemit #wikileaks #turkey #censoship #steemit #news #crypto-news #revolution #community  

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