
Hello steemians,

Writing this to share my near-death experience and unfortunately or sadly it's a non-fiction.

I grew up as a young,active and vibrant kid until at a point i started noticing i had some problem breathing well when i indulged in activites that i really stressed myself or expended much energy.
Mind you it was one thing gasping for air for a short time after taking part in a race and it was another thing when it was prolonged and accompanied by some wheezing sound.

I had no idea it was asthma yet until i was properly oriented by mum who was a nurse and given drugs to take anytime i had an attack. It wasn't always that intense so i had no inhaler and cause i had the perception that prolonged use of an inhaler would have side effect in the long run. An asthmatic attack is a condition that one has difficulty in breathing which is always accompanied by a wheezing sound. Every asthmatic attack is always triggered by something, and most times it's different for some people though there are common triggers. Here are my triggers:


A trigger could be anything that initiates an asthmatic attack. My common triggers were :
1)DUST: it wasn't always a palatable experience when i find myself in a dusty environ
2)FUMES: fumes like gases from exhaust pipes,cigarette smoke,fries etc
3)COCKROACH: Roaches have this irritating smell and that smell is a trigger as well.
4)STRENUOUS ACTIVITIES:Engaging in activities that exerts too much pressure on my heart
5)COLD: extreme cold as well initiates an attack


To cut the long story short, there's this night i was home alone and i had no medication at home. I slept early around 8pm and i woke up in the middle of the night to a serious attack and it was raining severely as well so it was pretty cold.
I had to sit erect for a long time,i was so restless but i tried all possible best to be calm..every breath i drew seemed like my last
What i felt in my ribs,pain would be an understatement accompanied by a severe headache. How i survived till the dawn only God knows. When it was around 6a.m i quickly sent a friend who lives close by a text message cause i couldn't talk to get me drugs from the pharmacy and fortunately he got to me on time

Since that experience i've never gone to bed without making sure my medications are at home whether i have an attack or not.


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