Air-Clinic Is Still Alive: Delegation Payouts & Other Goodnews Coming Soon!

Today is the last day of 2018. As is customary in private and public organizations, a review of the year is usually necessary to help put things in perspective.

Some of our amiable members may have observed the little break we took after announcing our 1 year anniversary. That helped us to take a step backwards, recall where we are coming from and improve our focus towards our goals and disperse all distractions.

In the 12 quality months of Air-Clinic's existence, we have aptly redefined what charity and giving really means. We gave medical knowledge to our members, free healthcare consultations, quality professional community, and even financially with the our own Cryptocurrency innovation- Aircoin.

We built the only website on the entire internet that PAYS YOU FOR LEARNING AND TALKING ABOUT YOUR HEALTH! It's an achievement we are very proud of.

So many great minds have contributed to a good year for Air-Clinic. We appreciate the founding team, the editors, community managers, Delegators and even the active members. It's practically impossible to mention everyone but you know yourself and the role you have played in this. Thank you!

With 630+ registered members in about 4 months, 50k+ user activities, 5k+ comments and 300+ posts we have come a long way from where we started.

Air-Clinic is alive and well. We will continue to thrive as we move into a new year. 2019 will come with its own challenges definitely but we shall conquer as always.

Keep believing in the impossible because that's exactly what we are doing with this. May humanity be forever improved through the works of our heads, hearts and hands.


Posted from myAirClinic Healthcare App. Download Android Version from PLAYSTORE!

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