Welcome home doctor!


Welcome home Doctor

How do doctor tends to survive? Even Drs face what you all could think about. Enjoy this little poem of mine about doctors!

Today is not for dreams,
Yesterday was the last time I wanted to
become who I am now,
And the pressure is begotten by tension,
What we face, the world will hardly mention to be candid.
Assumptions from people who we assume have gumption can be disappointing,
You are soon the star in your home,
And the feet that roams in everybody's shoes, if you know you know.
You are the leader, you are the follower,
Nobody understands what you go through,
Nobody understands why you have stayed glued
To your books while others snore away in rooms
You thought there was light at the end of the tunnel,
Unbeknownst to you, it was a blocked funnel.
Stagnant with fluids of great viscosity,
Failing to get your life oiled,
Soiled by pressures,
And recoils of pains,
You are home, again!
And they will say,
Welcome, doctor,
Here are your bills!
Yours truly,
Signed by those who heard your mother ring your praise aloud,
And your father brag about your prowess,
You are welcome home again doctor, once again,
Doctor, here are your bills.

No one cares if you've gotten the way or not. Been a Dr is not easy...for those that. It's your steemit veterinarian. Stay glued for veterinary post.



Thanks for guys !

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