An AI-generated poem on inflation/counterfeiting courtesy of @duffgaryduff


The Great Currency Robbery

In a world of smoke and mirrors, a tale does unfold,
Of legal tricks and shadow games, a story seldom told.
A tale of two deceptions, entwined in equal sin,
A dance of legal forgery, where few may truly win.

Inflation, the subtle thief, a quiet, creeping snake,
Strikes with a whispered hiss, as our hard-earned wealth they take.
A sanctioned sleight of hand, a tax unseen, but felt,
As value slips away, in the pockets where it's dwelt.

Counterfeiting, the dark twin, a crime of ink and greed,
A twisted mirror image, feeding on our need.
A mockery of value, a false promise in our hands,
The thin veneer of worth, built on shifting sands.

Inflation, legal counterfeiting, a clever guise it wears,
A hidden hand that steals, the fruit of toil and cares.
And yet, we call it progress, a necessary vice,
To stabilize economies, we pay the heavy price.

Currency counterfeiting, criminal inflation, scorned,
Condemned by the very system, from which it was spawned.
A villain born of desperation, seeking to survive,
But hunted and reviled, as if it were alive.

Two faces of the same coin, spinning in the air,
A vicious cycle, turning, in a world that's unaware.
Inflation and counterfeiting, bound in twisted fate,
The laws that shape our world, a cruel and fickle state.

In this dance of shadows, the truth remains concealed,
The veil of legal fiction, a wound that's never healed.
For in the end, we're victims, of a game we never chose,
The price we pay for order, a debt that only grows.

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