What will you risk in order to find promised treasure? An analogy.

The Treasure Map
The enticing treasure map.

There’s something to be said about feeling alive and taking risks. Imagine if you had found a treasure map on an uncharted island. You can tell the path is dangerous, but you’re excited none-the-less. You have the choice to forget about it and sail back home to your comfortable lifestyle. But the thought of someone else finding the treasure doesn’t sit right with you. You decide to follow the map.

Let’s imagine that a young dude is your island guide. He found the island and brought you to it. After a long and hard journey, he says you’ve made it half-way. You know in your gut that this second-half of the journey is going to be even more difficult. You’ve come a long way but your both tired. You’re missing your loved ones. You start thinking that you never needed this treasure in the first place. You’ve got everything you could possibly need and want back home. But young dude disagrees, he talks about an unfathomable kind of wealth. One that could make life so extravagant, that everyone around you will want a piece of it. That’s what getting to this treasure promises. A new kind of life.

Young dude says he’ll continue with or without you. That in order to keep going, you have to risk everything. You think about it: the idea of treasure existing seems likely given the nature of the island but finding it isn’t guaranteed. The risks didn’t feel so big before, but young dude is talking as if you have to be willing to risk everything for this. He’s making you think twice before you embark on the rest of the journey. This is getting complicated and frankly, tiresome. Do you need the kind of wealth this treasure promises? If so, are you willing to sacrifice everything you have for it? What will you do?

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