GO FUCK YOURSELF Alfred de Zayas
For my non-Venezuelan friends to understand the hyper-inflation Venezuela has been experiencing.
The image above is what you could buy in January, 2015 with 10,000 bs. On the bottom picture is all you can afford to buy today (November 2017) with 10,000 bs. Flowers not included. (This photo was taked back in November 2017)
The current minimum salary is 457,000 bs.
Oh, and even if u could afford to buy all of the products on the first photo, there is no guarantee you could find any of them at the store. Or the fact that banks are simply running out of currency and there is literally no physical money. #10milVzla
Unbelievable, right?
Source in Spanish
Today, the minimun salary it's: 797.510,00 and 12 eggs cost 290,000.00. Do the math.
Photo and creative credit (foto y campaña): Arlette Montilla