【AAA】 矽谷群瞎傳 실리콘 밸리 Sillicon Valley (2014)

螢幕快照 2019-06-10 下午6.27.15.png


Series introduction

Not only people work in a startup environment but also know a little about startup culture in America must have heard that "Silicon Valley". In Silicon Valley, they may be able to get much more resources and funds than anywhere else like angel investors, seed funding or VCs, some people even joke that there are angels holding money to ask if you have good ideas when you walk on the road.

While we may wonder what is it like to live in Silicon Valley, is it really true that getting funding in The San Francisco Bay Area so easy? Maybe you can find the answer to this in Silicon Valley TV series.

Silicon Valley focuses on five young men who founded a startup company in Silicon Valley called Pied piper, this TV series
utilized ridiculous and funny plots to present the phenomena of Silicon Valley entrepreneurship, and the process of responding with listed companies, venture capital companies, and other stakeholders is the most attractive part of the show to me.

Series Cast

  • Thomas Middleditch , Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
  • Zach Woods
  • Kumail Nanjiani , The Big Sick (2017) , Stuber (2019)
  • Martin Starr , Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
  • Amanda Crew , Charlie St. Cloud (2010 ), Final Destination 3 (2006)
  • T.J. Miller, Deadpool , Deadpool 2 , Ready Player One (2018)

Recommended for people who want to know startup culture or want to take a glance on the entrepreneurial journey happened in Silicon Valley.





矽谷群瞎傳 整體劇情聚焦在五個在矽谷創業Pied Piper這間公司的年輕人所經歷的各種事情,編劇利用荒誕搞笑的劇情來詮釋一般新創公司會在矽谷遭遇到什麼樣的事情,與上市公司創投及其他爭相搶奪名利的關係人角力的過程也是這部劇當中最吸引我的橋段。


  • Thomas Middleditch , 哥吉拉,怪獸之王 (2019)
  • Zach Woods
  • Kumail Nanjiani , 愛情昏迷中 (2017) , 玩命憂步 (2019)
  • Martin Starr , 蜘蛛人:返校日 (2017)
  • Amanda Crew , 生死情緣(2010 ), 絕命終結站 3 (2006)
  • T.J. Miller, Deadpool , 死侍2 , 一級玩家 (2018)


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